CIRIGHTS dataset - updates the CIRI human rights dataset and adds a number of new human rights measures. Using content analysis on US State Department Human Rights Reports as well as Amnesty International Reports this dataset codes government respect for 15 internationally recognized human rights. - Dataset - STATA , CSV - Codebook available here - Variable descriptions available here
State-level Compliance with IMF Program (SCIP) dataset - measures compliance with IMF programs, sorts policies into 9 issue areas, and includes a number of program descriptives such as size of a loan, disbursement, type of loan, whether the loan ended early, whether the loan was precautionary, the goals of the loan, for all IMF borrowers between 2002 and 2019. Available upon request
Repression Events Dataset (RED) - an event level repression dataset covering over 100 countries and over 11,000 repressive events. Data is coded out of newspapers and newswires and includes which state actor engaged in repression, the type of repression, and the target of repression. Forthcoming
Worker Rights dataset - collects data for seven worker rights in practice and law including child labor, forced labor, collective bargaining, freedom of association, minimum wage, health and safety, and maximum hours. Available upon request - Helped to collect and update the dataset along with David Cingranelli, K. Chad Clay, and Colin Barry
Mass Mobilization Protest Dataset - an event level protest dataset coding the demands of protesters, who was protesting, how many protesters there were, and the state response to protesters. - Served as a researchers collecting this data for six years along a number of researchers including the principal investigators Patrick Regan and Dave Clark